Friday, May 25, 2007

v v v v v v vvvvvvvvvvroooooom! i mean, voki.

well friends who i have no made yet. i am going to tell you something and it is going to be regarding the little lady you see to my right. i mean your right. yes yes. thats right. my voki.

she is:
a. very cute
b. has a raspy voice (that voice is mine... dont bother telling me i should be a sex phone operator, cuase i've already heard it)
c. an amazing introduction to blog pages, hee ya!
d. free and easy... kinda like me...
e. available at, along with a ton of other character styles
f. kinda sassy, kinda shy
g. also available to embed on myspace and pretty much anywhere else on this here interweb.
h. my new favourite bling for my pages...
i. like a person...only different.

okay... i could go on for hours on my love for this new character on my page, but i will halt my alphebetical tirade and let you check it out for yourself... good luck!



Hey, your voki's cute and I love your husky voice. I am from You left me a comment about my lovely voki. She's back. :)


Shame my name is not Steve. :/ I would have won a price if it was.

Splantrik said...

This Voki stuff which you apparently instigate is quite cool. I'm curious how the head movements, etc. work; it does seem quite natural. How complicated is the algorithm which does that? Not a particularly answerable question.